We are Erlina, Young and Hongjun. We are living in Singapore this year, so we're not taking any assignment in US for 2009. We post our latest work and journal here so check back often. To visit our websites, you can find the link from the directory above.
Feel free to leave comments or just say hi, that would make our day.
Second round.. Hongjun didn't want to eat dinner so we gave him timeout. We thought we should not keep him on his chair this time. So, he got his timeout at the usual spot. Few minutes later.. he fell asleep.. again..
Hey Erlina...good to see you blogging again! Sorry to hear Hongjun isn't eating well. Luckily D is a good eater...although she won't sit still at the table. She is always trying to hop up and do something.
When Tom's son was little he wouldn't eat - so Tom asked his doctor and got the best advice. "Have you heard of a child starving themselves? Kids will eat when they are hungry. Some kids are just not as hungry as others. If he wants peanut butter toast give it to him....if it healthy just feed him want he wants."
We also started a "sticker chart" for Dina that she can put stickers on when she does something. (sits at table during meals, brushes teeth, etc) It seems to help.
I have two boys myself. And the only time my littlest one won't eat is when he is really tired. You could try feeding him earlier. I know that can be hard sometimes with life and schedules. But don't stress about it. Sometimes they eat, sometimes they don't. My friend's daughter is super tall and all she eats is cashew butter on toast, mac and cheese and cereal!
Hey Erlina...good to see you blogging again!
Sorry to hear Hongjun isn't eating well. Luckily D is a good eater...although she won't sit still at the table. She is always trying to hop up and do something.
When Tom's son was little he wouldn't eat - so Tom asked his doctor and got the best advice.
"Have you heard of a child starving themselves? Kids will eat when they are hungry. Some kids are just not as hungry as others. If he wants peanut butter toast give it to him....if it healthy just feed him want he wants."
We also started a "sticker chart" for Dina that she can put stickers on when she does something. (sits at table during meals, brushes teeth, etc) It seems to help.
Hope to see you soon.
Hi Vicki!
Thank you for the advice!! I will try the sticker chart, too! That seems fun.
We should get together sometime.. haven't seen you in a while.
Hi Erlina,
I am a big fan of your work.
I have two boys myself. And the only time my littlest one won't eat is when he is really tired. You could try feeding him earlier. I know that can be hard sometimes with life and schedules. But don't stress about it. Sometimes they eat, sometimes they don't. My friend's daughter is super tall and all she eats is cashew butter on toast, mac and cheese and cereal!
It will all work out.
Keep up the beautiful work.
Hong Jun is really cracking me up!! I'll look forward to having these challenges shortly...
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