So, I got Hongjun some new toys (action figures that he's been wanting lately) and watercolor set.
He loves painting with watercolor, he doesn't care much with crayon.. so I was very happy to see this.

Quick photo of us while he begged for the camera. It's been almost impossible to take his picture. Each time he sees the camera, he wants to use it.

He had the camera and asked me to pose his new toys.

Hello! I'm Young, and I just have to leave a comment here after seeing you and Honjun having fun. I miss you already. For nest wedding, we should bring Hong Jun to help us out. I think he is ready to be a photographer. Love you!
Young guys are too cute! Erlina..let's get our kids together next week if you want to fill up some time while Young is out of the country. Maybe lunch at a park or something? Or you can come here and we can let Hunjun paint on the easels!
Hi Vicki!!
That would be great! Can't wait to get Hongjun and Dina together. Just let me know what you prefer, either one sounds great for me.
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